Source code for color_bucket_logger.formatter

"""The logging Formatters

import logging
import re

from . import term_mapper
from . import styles

DEFAULT_FORMAT = ("""%(asctime)-15s"""
                  """ %(levelname)-0.1s"""
                  # If log records are coming from multiproceses into a single handler (say, via a multiprocess queue
                  # based handler), it is useful to see the process info with a different color per process.
                  # Assume we only need 3 digits for worker process number, if you see this wrap, but the '-4s' below
                  # to '-5s'. This is fixed width just to make the results easier to read for the normal case
                  # (everything before 'name' should be the same width for each log item show...)
                  # """ %(processName)-4s %(_cdl_process)spid=%(process)-5d%(_cdl_unset)s"""
                  """ %(processName)-4s pid=%(process)-5d"""
                  # truncate thread name to 2 chars, we use 2char names or the process filter does MainThread/MT elsewhere
                  """ %(threadName)-2s"""
                  # """ %(thread)d"""
                  # """[tid: \033[32m%(thread)d$RESET tname:\033[32m%(threadName)s]$RESET """
                  """ %(name)s"""
                  """ """
                  """ """
                  """ """
                  """ - %(message)s""")
#                  """%(_cdl_reset)s""")

[docs]def find_format_attrs(format_string): attrs_re_string = r"(?P<full_attr>%\((?P<attr_name>" + r'.*' + r"?)\).*?[dsf])" attrs_re = re.compile(attrs_re_string) format_attrs = attrs_re.findall(format_string) return format_attrs
# TODO: If there are common fields that should not default to None, # add them here
[docs]def default_attr_value(attr): if attr == 'stack_depth': return '' return None
# This could just return a dict of default values instead of # modifying the record.
[docs]def get_default_record_attrs(record_context, attr_list): """Add default values to a log record_context for each attr in attr_list Return a dict of {record_attr_name: some_default_value}. For example, a record_context with no 'stack_info' item would cause the return to be {'stack_info': None}. For now, the default value is always None.""" defaults_for_attrs = {} for attr in attr_list: if attr not in record_context: defaults_for_attrs[attr] = default_attr_value(attr) return defaults_for_attrs
[docs]class ColorFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Base color bucket formatter""" def __init__(self, fmt=None, default_color_by_attr=None, color_groups=None, auto_color=False, datefmt=None, style=None): fmt = fmt or DEFAULT_FORMAT kwargs = dict(fmt=fmt, datefmt=datefmt) # py2 logging.Formatter will error on a 'style' keyword of course, # but it's needed for py3. # TODO: Unless we stop using the logging.Formatter base class at all, which # may be more reasonable at this point. if style: kwargs['style'] = style logging.Formatter.__init__(self, **kwargs) # assue % style if not specified. py2 will not specifiy style_name = style or '%' # Override the 'style' set in logging.Formatter.__init__ (for py3) self._style = styles._STYLES[style_name][0](fmt) self._base_fmt = fmt self.color_groups = color_groups or [] # TODO: be able to set the default color by attr name. Ie, make a record default to the thread or processName # self.default_color_by_attr = default_color_by_attr or 'process' # the name of the record attribute to check for a default color # self.default_attr_string = '_cdl_%s' % self.default_color_by_attr self.color_mapper = term_mapper.TermColorMapper(fmt=self._base_fmt, default_color_by_attr=default_color_by_attr, color_groups=self.color_groups, format_attrs=self._style._format_attrs, auto_color=auto_color) def __repr__(self): buf = '%s(fmt="%s", datefmt="%s", auto_color=%s, color_mapper.default_color_by_attr=%s)' % \ (self.__class__.__name__, self._base_fmt, self.datefmt, self.color_mapper.auto_color, self.color_mapper.default_color_by_attr) return buf def _pre_format(self, record): '''Render time and exception info to be a string Modifies :py:class:`logging.LogRecord` record by side effect, updating asctime, exc_text attrs.''' if self.usesTime(): record.asctime = self.formatTime(record, self.datefmt) record.exc_text_sep = '\n' if record.exc_info and not record.exc_text: record.exc_text = self.formatException(record.exc_info) record.exc_text_sep = '\n' def _format_exception(self, record_context): exc_text_post = '%(exc_text_sep)s%(_cdl_exc_text)s%(exc_text)s%(_cdl_reset)s%(exc_text_sep)s' % record_context return exc_text_post # format is based on from stdlib python logging.LogFormatter.format() # It's kind of a pain to customize exception formatting, since it # just appends the exception string from formatException() to the formatted message.
[docs] def format(self, record): self._pre_format(record) # Create a context dict of the log records attributes (the __dict__ of # the LogRecord() plus all of the color map items from the 'colors' dict. # This avoids having to modify the LogRecord() instance in place. record_context = {} record_context.update(record.__dict__) # 'stack_info' attr always added for py2/py3 compat new_defaults_for_attrs = get_default_record_attrs(record_context, ['stack_info'] + [x[1] for x in self._style._format_attrs]) record_context.update(new_defaults_for_attrs) # Need the pre color rendered message early so we can use it as a color group record_context['_cdl_xmessage'] = record.getMessage() # Figure out what each log records color will be and return # a dict key'ed by a string of form '%_cdl_' + the log record attr name colors = self.color_mapper.get_colors_for_record(record_context, self._style._format_attrs) record_context.update(colors) # Re render record_context['message'] = record.getMessage() # Format the main part of the log message first s = self._style._format(record_context) # Then append the formatted exception info if there is any if record_context.get('exc_text', None): s = s + self._format_exception(record_context) # 'logging' Formatter() nullifies record.exc_text after it is rendered # so duplicate here record.exc_text = None return s
[docs]class TermFormatter(ColorFormatter): """Formatter for terminals that colorizes attributes based on their value Parameters ---------- fmt : str A :py:class:`logging.Formatter` style log format string default_color_by_attr : str, optional The name of the log record attribute whose color will used by default for other records if they do not have a color set (by either 'auto_color' or by 'color_groups') color_groups : iterable, optional Define when a attribute should use the same color as another attribute. For example, to make the 'processName' and 'message' attributes use the same color as 'process'. color_groups is a list of tuples. The first element of each tuple is the "leader" attribute, and the second element is a list of "follower" attributes. For the 'process' and 'processName' example:: color_groups=[('process', ['processName', 'message']] auto_color : boolean, optional If true, automatically calculate and use colors for each attribute. Defaults to False datefmt : str, optional Date format string as used by :py:class:`logging.Formatter` """ def __init__(self, fmt=None, default_color_by_attr=None, color_groups=None, auto_color=False, datefmt=None, color_mapper=None): super(TermFormatter, self).__init__(fmt=fmt, default_color_by_attr=default_color_by_attr, color_groups=color_groups, auto_color=auto_color, datefmt=datefmt) self.color_mapper = term_mapper.TermColorMapper(fmt=fmt, default_color_by_attr=default_color_by_attr, color_groups=color_groups, format_attrs=self._style._format_attrs, auto_color=auto_color)